My advice to friends and patients in the last few years has always been that if you can stay away from doctors and hospitals you will be much healthier. This may seem like strange advice to come from a physician. However, as life gets more complicated and money seems to be the ruling force in medicine and life these days I think it is excellent advice.
If you have to go to the hospital you want to be very sure sure that you have the very best doctor possible and not skimp on paying for the best health insurance you can afford, so you can chose any doctor you wish. Not only should you check out your doctors through State Medical Board Web sites and friends but you also need to check out your hospital. Hospital infections are a major source of trouble these days. A new Web site has been created by those who are concerned about this. The Web site has been set up to be a watchdog for hospital infections. Now a new Web site called Healthcare-Associated Infections Watchdog has been added. It is is
Medicines too can make you ill if they interact with other medicines you are taking, particularly if several different doctors give you prescriptions and don't check on what medications you are already taking. There also appears to be an increased risk for older individuals in that some drugs can have quite toxic effects because they are not removed from the body as quickly as in younger people.
So by getting exercise, eating healthy food, having some fun, good friends, and doing something for others instead of being so concerned about having the biggest house, big cars, and perfect kids you should have a much longer and healthier life.