A friend sent me a new book a neighbor had written about what we should eat based on Biblical sayings. The friend knew how concerned I was about people who acted as experts without adequate medical training because we had had many long discussions about this. I had also shared with her accounts of the great harm some practitoners' advice had caused; some patients even dying.
I think patients must be extremely careful not be be taken in by an indiviual who offers advice when they have had, for example, just a few weeks course leading to a certificate, but not the many years that physicians or dietiticans spend in training. A two weeks certificate, plus time spent working with a practitioner of alternative medicine does not equip anyone to give advice about medical treatments or diet. In glancing through this new book, I was appalled at some of the recomendations. They were exceedingly dangerous. Yes, there are far too many physicians who don't practice good medicine, don't listen to patients, and don't seem to care. I think the answer for patients is to always get a second opinion if there is any doubt about medical care and not to rely on people who have just a certificate from a questionable training program. There is also a great deal of misinformation on the Internet, though there is also some good information. So by asking lots of questions and finding an M.D. you trust and who knows you and your family, you should get the best care.