I do not understand how the twenty-rour Republican governors, who state they are Christians, can refuse Medicaid expansion in their states. Do they have any idea what this is doing particularly to our nation's children? Children who don't get good medical care or any medical care are being set up often for on-going medical problems. Our nation has the worst poverty of all the modern countries. That is a crime. In addition, the Republicans have taken away eight billion dollars in food stamps and refused to extend unemployment benefits which also means many children and their parents go to bed hungry. Then, there are the schools that will not give a child lunch if their parents cannot pay. What kind of a country are we living in?
I have worked as a pediatrician in the inner cities of Los Angeles, Oakland, Rochester, New York and San Diego and seen chidlren who cannot learn or pay attention in school because they have not had enough to eat. We need to help people without money learn where they can get help and also what foods provide the most nouishment for the least money. As our school systems are being deprived of more and more money, education is suffering, as are our children The Republicans should be deeply ashamed.
I live in a small town overrun by people with tremendous amounts of money and yet on many blocks in the small village I can usually count two or three homeless people. These are people who may a have mental illness but are not able to access mental health care. The Republicans are doing everything they can to prevent the Affordable Health Care Act from working. We all should vote and get rid of those who are trying to destroy this country.