There was a time when Supreme Court justices were lawyers and not politicians. Now it seems that we have five right wing, extremely conservative Republicans on the Court who are doing everything they can to destroy a woman's right to make choices about her body and her health care. The five men have continually ruled in favor of corporations and the rich. Do they have any idea what allowing companies, such as Hobby Lobby, to not provide IUDs and the morning after pill, will do to poor women? Hobby Lobby is just trying to save money. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible that says a woman must have children she can not adequately support. When a woman can't afford to pay for an IUD or the morning after pill, she will seek an abortion, if she cannot afford a pregnancy.
If the justices wanted to decrease abortions they made the wrong decision. Of course, they were simply going along with what their rich Republican donors demanded. How very sad. I am sure some of the truly great justices of the past must be rolling in their graves. The legacy of this Supreme Court is going to be a very sad one, as is that of the Republican party.
How I wish these same five men could work in inner city clinics as I have and seen the utter terror of a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy or of children who were abused because the mothers were depressed and overwhelmed with too many children.