There are some wonderful MDs and healthcare workers, but I am seeing more and more non-MDs calling themselves doctor and trying to care for patients. I am worried that as health care gets more expensive and patients don't check on their "doctors" credentials we are going to see more non-medically trained people taking care of patients. We now have nurse practitioners who get a doctor's degree calling themselves doctor and caring for patients without the supervision of an M.D. Kaiser uses a lot of nurse practitioners. When someone in a white coat introduces himself or herself as a "Doctor" be sure you are talking to an actual M.D. There are osteopaths, neuropathic physicians, chiropractors and neuropathic "doctors ".
I was in a doctor's office and saw a woman in a white coat and asked my doctor if he had a new associate. "No" he said, "she is a nurse practitioner, but I don't use her". If he did, I would not have gone back to him. I have had very bad luck with several individuals who call themselves doctor. They have never gone through medical school or received board certification. Thus, before you see a new doctor, please do check on the training they have had and if they truly have gone to medical school, completed an internship and residency and passed board exams.
Now the organization that is on charge of physicians assistants wants to change their name to physician associate. No, they still have the same limited training and should always work under a physician. I hope they are unable to get the name changed.