There is an excellent column in todays' New York Times by Charles Blow. He talks about his concern that teenagers and others who want to make a name for themselves or have problems will get hold of a gun and act as "Vigilante Heroes." I would not be surprised if Kyle Rittenhouse had psychological problems, but sadly he was not referred for a psychiatric or psychological workup. If he had been a black vigilante, he would have been as Charles Blow says "feared, condemned and constrained by the law." How sad that guns have become so important in this country, particularly with the pandemic. If an individual feels left out or has problems a gun will only make it worse.
I don't understand why so many Republicans poured money into Kyle's legal defense. A 17 year old who feels left out or has psychiatric or psychological problems needs help, not a gun. My parents were Republicans and I have Republican friends, but now the party's great love seems to be Trump. Their money needs to be put into education, social workers, and school nurses who can identify kids in trouble and find help for them, not provide money for guns.