I am sure many children are already planning what costume they want to wear on Halloween. This can be a fun night for everyone if some commonsense precautions are taken. Because there are now lots of costumes available in the stores, it is important to be sure the ones children choose are flame resistant. Homemade costumes can be lots of fun and involving a child in planning one can be a good family activity. Because it is getting dark earlier, bright costumes are the best and having flashlights at hand and using reflective tape on the costumes and the trick-or treat bags is a good idea.
A good suggestion I found in an article suggested being sure your children have had some food before they go trick or treating to be sure they won't want to munch on candy. It is wise to just let your children visit houses where you know the people and an adult should always accompany children until they get old enough to go around your neighborhood by themselves. An adult can always be in the background with a flashlight. I would be sure no hard candies are given to little children. My children always knew which neighbors gave the best treats and usually headed for them right away. After the children are home, I would carefully check the candies to sure they are wrapped with their original wrappers.
Before Halloween if you are going to carve pumpkins, adults should handle the carving for little children but they can draw the face they want on a piece of paper or on the pumpkins. Being careful about the lighted candles in pumpkins is important, particularly if a child is wearing a big, flowing costume.
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