Now that many childcare centers are opening, so parents can go back to work, there are some safety features to watch for. The most important thing is if the adults coming and going or staying are wearing masks. Are temperatures being taken on children and adults? Is a sick child sent home or just isolated at the center? Do the children have naps and how is the food prepared? When are meals served and are there snacks? Do they know if a child has allergies?
One little patient of mine wandered into the kitchen at a childcare center and got into detergent under the sink. She had to have surgery on her esophagus or feeding tube because of severe scarring. No poisonous substances should ever be where a child can get into them. Is the center clean and is it licensed? It should not be in someone's home. Does it smell clean and do the children have plenty of room to play and also play outside?
If your child is unhappy at the center is bullying going on? Can you just drop in and see what is going on or do you have to make an appointment? Have the caretakers had recent medical examinations including a chest X-ray and TB skin test? How many adults are there per child? Have the adults had CPR training? How close is the nearest hospital and is there a pediatrician or GP on call? It would be good also to talk to some of the parents who have had experience with the center personnel. You can never be too careful, particularly at a time like this.
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