If you are entertaining and have children it is fun if they be included in the festivities. One thing I found useful was to set up a separate party for my children and the other other children who were invited. We had a small patio and having a early dinner it was warm enough in California during the holidays to have the children's party in the patio. My children acted as host and hostess for their party which was good training and fun for them.
If you want to have a more formal dinner, it is important that you know were all the children are at any time. One idea is to hire a college student or teenager to supervise the children. This is particularly true if any of the children are on the autism spectrum and have a tendency to escape.; That way a tragedy can be avoided, particularly if you have a fishpond or swimming pool. Two prominent individuals in our community lost a two year-old while they were entertaining. The child got outside and ended up dead in their fishpond. You can never be too careful with small children, especially if you live on a busy street, have a pool or fishpond or don't have an enclosed yard. Let's everyone has a safe and fun holiday.