In watching the confirmation hears of Judge Jackson, I was impressed with what an outstanding job she did. In contrast, were people like Senator Marsha Blackburn. She made the statement that 63 million abortions had taken place because of Roe versus Wade. I wonder where she got those figures? I wonder also if she had any idea why those abortions were necessary? Did she understand or care that some were because the mothers or parents could not afford to feed or raise another child, teenagers who had been raped or become pregnant because no one had taught them about where babies came from? As a pediatrician, I have talked to many high school classes about sex education and have been amazed at what little many girls knew about sex. Some children who are not wanted are given to foster parents to raise and many are abused or treated as servants. Some run away, some commit suicide. I have cared for many pregnant teenagers and know the toll it takes. Only one was not able to get an an abortion and that was because her mother wanted a baby to raise! I do not have a long-term follow-up on that family. I was appalled. Let us hope that Roe versus Wade is never overturned. It would be a disaster.